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My Story

I went to Art school to become a printmaker, studied classical ballet  and then came to yoga and Thai bodywork after kyphosis in my thoracic spine made it necessary for me to find a form of physical therapy beyond dance. Discovering the various styles of yoga was a personal pursuit then and now, opting for fusion of systems over just one. It wasn't until 15 years into my own yoga journey after being asked to teach did I think about sharing my experiences and education. It wasn't until then that I found the modality of Thai Bodywork in an advanced training and experienced the radical healing effect it has on both mind and physical body. My path had become even more focused on healing with Thai medicine beginning with the teachings of Gwyn Williams, Zen Thai Shiatsu, Mukti Michael Buck and the Vedic Conservatory and full certification under Sebastian Bruno of Thai Vedic. To present I continue my studies in Traditional Thai medicine,  5 element theory to assist in determining imbalances and continued study in the role of Buddhism within the Medicine system. 

We all suffer trauma in our lives, this trauma is held within our physical bodies until the body can no longer support the stress of holding onto it and then it manifests in physical disease, or  chronic pain, anxiety, weight gain and many other potential physical issues. The discipline of paying attention to what we digest both physically and emotionally therefore is our best prevention, when life serves up things difficult to digest, noticing how this is stored in the body and mind is the first step to then being able to work through it. The culmination of my fine art  background, physical asana practice, Thai Bodywork,  professional cooking, and energetic healing work has compelled me to integrate these disciplines in service to helping one person at a time, release their stories, release their trauma and find balance.

BFA  Summa Cum Laude Printmaking, Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia Certifications:

300 hr ashtanga yoga 
50 hr Budokon yoga
over 300 hours of logged workshops with Simon Park, Joan Hyman, John Vitarelli, Justin Marx and Cameron and Melayne Shayne

Reiki Master
Thai Massage therapist - Thai Vedic silver, bronze and gold medallions

Licensed Massage Therapist Pennsylvania  MSG015971

Ncbtmb approved provider continuing education courses in Thai Massage
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My Approach

I''m here to hold space for individuals to find their own brilliance within.

Not an easy or singular task, I come bearing a toolbox full of tools, some will work for you and others you will leave behind. 

As I walk along this earth meeting and hearing stories of suffering the only thing I ever want is to hold the hearts of those in pain.

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