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Sun, Jun 02



Thai Massage Mentorship Program

at your own pace one on one Thai massage, five element theory training and, Buddhist principles as apply to Thai massage.

 Thai Massage Mentorship Program
 Thai Massage Mentorship Program

Time & Location

Jun 02, 2024, 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Medford, 30 Jackson Rd, Medford, NJ 08055, USA

About the event

Thai massage mentorship program 1 on 1

The theory behind the practice is how you begin to understand what each person needs individually and therefore ultimately how to compose your own sequences for each individual person.

The way to learn is both by giving and receiving in understanding why you would sequence in a particular way.

The best way do this would look like this:

Eight  months of once a month or four months of twice a month

5 hours each meeting $3200 total (400 per day)

The first meeting will be mostly theory, background to Thai medicine origin, uses, limbs and buddhist precepts as pertain to the modality. Reading on your own after!

Exercises to understand elements and their qualities.

Element based yoga therapy movement.

Complimentary modalities to offer private clients as take home applications.

Each time we meet after the theory heavy first day will be broken down by element:

Earth first followed by water, fire, wind and finally ether in the last of the six days, the seventh day will offer you an intro to moxibustion, scraping and thermal compress use and finally the eighth day you put your knowledge to the test. I’ll bring in a few different models and they will present with different elemental imbalances to which you will identify what element is out of balance, how you counteract or balance it by using which applications and then show me a ten to twenty minute sequence that you believe would address their needs. In addition to offer them 2 complimentary modalities to do on their own from those we spoke about.

On one of our element days you will treat me so that I can sense how your touch and understanding is progressing as well.

The break down of each day would look like this :

1 hour of theory, the academic side of five elements, buddhist concepts relating to Thai Massage, understanding and application

1 1/2 hour treatment a session for you to receive in a given element manner ( earth, water, fire, wind, ether)

2 1/2 hour you learning to give the same application you received by element.

Build in an hour lunch 🥗 additional to this breakdown:)

Each time you come you receive a full session :)


  • deposit

    Pay as you go, deposit is the cost of your first five hour day

    +$10.00 service fee



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